Category Archives: All Content

Introduction to Camera Modes: Other Modes

In addition to the modes you just learned. There are a few more that are in fact some sort of variation of automatic modes. If you want to be really serious into photography, you may probably want to skip these modes. As mentioned before, most DSLR cameras have their modes on a dial located on the top right. There are of course exceptions. And in a point-and-shoot camera you would probably have to use the menu and your LCD screen […]

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Introduction to Camera Modes: Manual Mode

When you choose manual mode on your camera, you can control everything independently. You can set any possible shutter speed you want and the camera won’t do any adjustments to the aperture. Likewise you can set any possible aperture f number and the camera won’t make any adjustments to the shutter speed. You control everything such as the ISO, flash, white balance and other things that we will talk about later in this course. Exercise: Take your camera and 1) set […]

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Introduction to Camera Modes: Shutter Speed Mode

We have been talking about camera modes. Now is the turn of shutter speed mode. When you choose shutter speed mode on your camera, you set the shutter speed you want and your camera will figure out what the aperture should be. As I mentioned before, aperture and shutter speed are closely related. Shutter speed is about the time the camera will stay open letting light coming in. The faster the shutter speed, the lesser light will come in; the […]

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Introduction to Camera Modes: Program Mode

If you want to have a little more control over your camera, you can use program mode, which is assigned the letter P. In Program mode the camera will take control over your aperture and shutter speed, but you can also control other elements such as flash, white balance (the color tint in your pictures), and in many cases the ISO (you will learn about this later). You can think of this as a semi-auto mode because not everything is […]

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Introduction to Camera Modes: Auto Mode

We will talk about camera modes and we will start with the auto mode. In this mode the camera will set everything for you. The camera will automatically detect what kind of scene you’re looking at and it will automatically adjust the camera to optimize the image. the camera will measure how much light is out there and choose whether to use flash or not. Auto mode will also focus on the subject automatically, it will decide what the proper […]

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Introduction to Camera Modes

Most digital cameras have some sort of camera modes. These camera modes are meant to help you to take pictures in various situations. Some modes will allow you to adjust the quantity of light in your picture, its sharpness, color tint, and more. We will discuss some of them. Most DSLR cameras have their camera modes usually on the top. The two major brands would have something like this: Image (try something similar to the one Capture.png you have) The […]

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How to take good pictures

Now let’s talk about taking pictures. At this point in this free course you should have learn most of the preparation before we actually start taking pictures. Now you will learn how to take pictures. But we will discuss the artistic part later. Right now you need to start with the way you hold your camera. This is the first step. How to hold your camera To know how to hold your camera is so important. The way you do […]

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Preparation: Basic Tips When Going Out to Take Pictures

Here are some things to consider before going out to take pictures. Batteries and charger Take your camera charger with you. Especially if you are going to travel. Get an extra battery. If you can buy an extra battery, do it. I’ve been in trips where I’ve been shooting all day, thousands of shots and then an indicator of low battery starts blinking telling me that soon I won’t be able to take any more pictures. Fortunately an extra battery […]

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Know Your Camera

Be familiar with these camera parts. You can learn more about your camera. Not all cameras are the same and this is why you will need to go through your manual. I know it may sound boring or scary. But you don’t need to read it all. Just a couple of things and one of them is the camera parts diagram. When I first got my first DSLR camera, I was so excited that I just wanted to go out and […]

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Camera Parts

When I first was learning photography, I just wanted to go out and start taking pictures. I didn’t want to read my camera manual and learn the boring and technical stuff of photography. However, it’s impossible to learn photography, even the most basic aspects of it without knowing at least some essential vocabulary. If you were in a formal course with me, I would give you more details on camera parts and review what camera you have. But this is […]

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